Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Hourman was one of DC’s earliest super heroes, rushed into duty shortly after Superman made a big splash with the reading public. His gimmick was fairly straightforward – by taking the drug Miraclo, he could have super powers for exactly one hour. Not the most exciting hero, Hourman was bumped from the Justice Society of America fairly early on, though he did return as a member in the 60s during the JLA/JSA crossover stories.

I attempted a custom figure of Hourman simply because I thought he would be a relatively easy project. For his leotard, I took a black body suit from a G.I. Joe figure (Snake Eyes) and cut out the legs. I then took the legs from a white body suit belonging to another G.I. Joe (Storm Shadow) and dyed them golden yellow. After I sewed the yellow legs onto the black suit, I had the basic costume. The gold cape came from Rauty’s Toy Shop (what can I say, his suits are amazing).

For the head and body, I used the Storm Shadow G.I. Joe and cut the face out at the point where it protruded from the hood. I replaced the face with the face from a Playing Mantis Kato mask. After gluing the two pieces together, I painted Kato’s face to look like a black mask and I painted Storm Shadow’s white hood golden yellow to match the suit and cape.

The boots were standard black boots from a generic figure. I wrapped red electrical tape around them to create stripes. The hourglass necklace was created with some gold cord and a sterling silver hourglass charm I purchased on eBay. Just to make him a little different, I swapped out the bulky G.I. Joe hands for some 21st Century Toys hands which I bought in an accessories pack. The belt was made from red foam rubber and the clock face in the center I cobbled together from various bits of plastic I had on hand.

One of the easier customs, but fairly effective, I think.

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